
How To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher in 7 Steps

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women doing 300 hour yoga teacher training

How To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher in 7 Steps

Yoga has transcended boundaries to become one of the most preferred wellness practices across the globe. Along with this, the popularity of yoga teacher training is also evolving as people are more health-conscious and consider this training as a rewarding journey of their lives. To become a certified yoga teacher, you need to successfully complete at least the foundational yoga TTC program which is accredited by the Yoga Alliance, USA. After this, you can register yourself and pursue your professional career as a certified yoga instructor. 

Yoga Alliance, USA is a non-profit organization that sets global standards for yoga teacher training programs. Graduating from their certified training program specifies that you have met all the international teaching standards. Become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), so that you are eligible to teach yoga anywhere in the world. 

Becoming a registered yoga instructor is a big milestone to achieve as it enables you to deepen your own practice and build a stable as well as fulfilling career in the wellness industry. The journey of yoga teacher training involves learning from a structured program, daily yoga sessions, workshops, and theoretical teachings about every aspect of yoga. 

If you are thinking of becoming a certified yoga instructor as an easy task, it’s certainly not. The entire process is a transformational journey that requires strong commitment, discipline, and most importantly, passion for yoga. In this article, we will understand the 7 steps that will help you to become a registered and certified yoga teacher. Get insights about the program’s eligibility and if you are suitable for the course. 

Who can become a yoga instructor?

Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga is suitable for every individual, be it of any age or background. Becoming a yoga instructor is also an inclusive opportunity which is open to anyone who is a yoga enthusiast.

Here are some qualities which you should possess as an aspiring yoga instructor:

  • You must be passionate about yoga and wellness along with teaching
  • You must have some brief understanding about yoga styles and pranayama
  • You must be open to having communication with instructors or fellow individuals
  • Have a strong mind-body connection as well as excitement to deal with yogic activities
  • Open to adapting to new environment and have a sense of inclusiveness

Now, let’s understand who all can become a yoga instructor in detail.

  1. Passionate Yoga Practitioners

If you have an undying love for yoga and have a consistency in practice, then you are perfect for the teacher training program. Whether you have just started to get interested in yogic activities or are practicing it for years, partaking in the YTT course will deepen your knowledge and allow you to have a holistic approach to overall wellness. 

  1. Career Opportunity Seekers

Yoga teacher training is a rewarding program which is the perfect opportunity to consider if you want to start a career around it. Becoming a certified yoga instructor will allow you to professionally pursue yoga. If you are looking to switch from your corporate life and want a fulfilling career, then YTT is the perfect option to consider. 

  1. Newbie with a desire to Learn

Although having prior experience with yoga is beneficial, there are numerous beginner-friendly yoga TTC programs for new-commers who want to dive into the world of yoga. The Yoga Alliance curated 200 hour yoga TTC program offers foundational understanding of all the yogic aspects. It allows different individuals to immerse themselves completely and successfully become a yoga instructor. 

  1. Individuals wanting Personal Growth

Yoga teacher training is a program not only for those who aspire to become certified teachers but also for those who want to deepen their own practices for personal wellness growth. Lessons on human anatomy, adjustment and alignment, philosophy, and various asanas are essential if you seek to elevate your practices, transform their lifestyle and later decide to become a certified teacher. 

Yoga teacher requirements

To become a certified yoga teacher, there are some prerequisites which are required from the profession point of view. The requirements can vary depending on your yoga school, the level of certification, and type of yoga style you are choosing. 

There are certain yoga programs that need specific qualifications. One of them is the 300 hour yoga teacher training program, for which you need to successfully graduate from the foundation 200 hour YTT program from a Yoga Alliance certified yoga school. 

Regardless of these, let’s now discuss some basic requirements which you must consider before deciding to become a certified yoga teacher.

  • The person who wants to join a yoga teacher training program is required to have a minimum age of 18 years
  • You should be passionate and disciplined about the yoga practice 
  • For advanced level courses, you are first required to complete your Bachelor’s degree in yoga or a 200 hour YTT certification course
  • Have basic knowledge of philosophy, human anatomy and ethics
  • You must maintain all your yoga certifications and renew them as required

How to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher in 7 Steps

How to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher in 7 Steps

It is a lot of dedication, hard work, and commitment that goes with becoming a certified yoga instructor. Understand the training journey with the help of the following seven steps, so that it becomes easier for you to get the RYT certification.

Start Yoga Practice

Start Yoga Practice

Before you start your yoga teacher training journey, allow your mind and body to be familiar with yoga. Make sure you have built a decent foundation of yogic practices for yourself. Learn about some basics of yoga philosophy, different asanas, and age-old traditions, so that you are able to grasp things easily during your training period. Develop a consistent routine of yoga sessions and let your body get habitual of those movements. Though it is not a requirement, understanding some brief concepts of yoga would give you the edge in your further learnings. 

Choose Yoga Style

Choose Yoga Style

After starting your yogic practice, explore the various yoga styles and choose the one that aligns with your goals. Take your own time and get familiar with the basics of Hatha, Ashtanga, Yin, and Vinyasa yoga and choose the style that resonates with you. Understand your body’s flexibility and the different levels of dynamics of these yoga styles. 

Hatha Yoga- It is a slow paced traditional yoga style that focuses mainly on posture, balance, and mental concentration.

Ashtanga Yoga- It is a fast paced dynamic yoga style that emphasizes flexibility, physical strength, and philosophical teachings.

Yin Yoga- It is also a slow paced yoga style that emphasizes holding a specific pose for longer period of time in order to target your connectivity tissues.

Vinyasa Yoga- This yoga style is linked with movement along with breath, popular for its versatility.

Find out the right Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Programs

After deciding the yoga style, the next step is to choose the perfect yoga teacher training program for you. The different levels of YTT programs that are decided by the Yoga Alliance are– the foundational 200 hour YTT program, the advanced level 300 hour yoga training course, and the combined 500 hour yoga teacher training (includes 200 hour and 300 hour). 

Deciding the right YTT program depends on various factors. Whether you want in-person training or online sessions is one of the factors that plays a vital role in deciding your course. 

Another factor to consider is the duration of the yoga program. There are beginner-friendly programs that have a duration of 3-4 weeks and then there are some advanced level courses that go on for a longer period of time. According to the time you can invest, pick out your desired yoga TTC program.

A major point to consider before choosing the right yoga program is whether the curriculum follows the standards set by the Yoga Alliance or not. Ensure that the syllabus covers every important aspect of yoga and its philosophy. 

You can research about the yoga school and the programs they offer by watching the testimonials or reviews. These feedback are important to get insights about the reputation and popularity of the program. 

Enroll and Complete at least 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course

The next step after this will be to enroll yourself in the yoga TTC program you decided and immerse yourself in the mindful practices of yoga. Your fundamental yoga training is going to be the 200 hour yoga TTC course. The program has an all rounded curriculum to teach you yogic philosophy, alignment and adjustment, teaching methodologies, human anatomy, and other important yogic aspects. The course trains you how to sequence your classes and provide you hands-on teaching practice. This will encourage you to incorporate all the essential teachings in your personal life and become an efficient yoga instructor who can inspire other students in future. 

Get Certified

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program Certificate - India Yogashala_page-0001

Once you have graduated from the yoga teacher training program, ensure to get the required certification. There is an assessment which you need to complete in order to achieve the certificate. This assessment signifies that you have acquired all the essential skills needed to become a certified yoga instructor and are ready to teach yoga anywhere across the globe. The certificate is provided by the yoga school from where you completed your training program. Once you have it, you are all ready to explore and pursue yoga as a professional career. 

Apply for a RYT &  CPR Certification

If you wish to elevate your yoga teacher credibility and want to succeed even more in your career, then you must apply for the RYT and CPR certifications. The Registered Yoga Teacher certificate is provided by the Yoga Alliance and specifies your credibility as a yoga instructor. You need to register and submit your documents as well as certificates in order to receive the RYT certification. CPR certification implies that you have the correct training to perform CPR in case of any emergency. Having this will make you more reliable and reputed, ultimately boosting your career opportunities. 

Launching Your Yoga Teaching Career

This is the final step to kickstart your yoga career! Launch yourself as a certified trainer and be open to any opportunity that comes your way. Highlight your specialties and training in your portfolio and make it as influential as possible. Start by teaching at local yoga studios and centers in order to get perfect exposure and experience. If you have the foundational teacher training certificate, continue your education by enrolling yourself in the advanced level programs. This will deepen your understanding and increase your career opportunities for the future. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I become a yoga teacher without certification?

While you can teach yoga without certification in some regions, you still need to have a yoga certificate to ensure your credibility and professionalism. It is also important to get certified as a yoga teacher because students seek guidance from instructors who meet the required standards and are experts in their fields. 

What is the difference between RYT 200, RYT 300, and RYT 500?

RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teacher and defines the level of certification according to the Yoga Alliance standards. If you have completed the foundation program, you will be provided a RYT 200 certificate. After graduating from the advanced level yoga TTC program, you will receive the RYT 300 certification. Once you have both the certificates, you can apply for RYT 500, which is the highest level of yoga certification. 

Is online YTT as valid as in-person training?

The validity of any yoga program depends on whether it is accredited by the Yoga Alliance or not. The online yoga teacher training was started by the organization after the pandemic but it is now continued by various yoga schools. Whether it is an online teacher training program or in-person program, make sure that the yoga school you are choosing provides you Yoga Alliance recognized programs. 

How long does it take to become a yoga instructor?

If you are starting with the foundational 200 hour yoga TTC program, then it will take 3-4 weeks to complete. The duration of the teacher training course depends on various factors like the program you chose, type of yoga style, mode of sessions, etc. 

How much do yoga instructors make?

The income of a yoga instructor varies according to the destination. A beginner level teacher can earn around $20 to $35 per class while an experienced instructor can earn up to $100 or more per session. The earnings of an instructor also depends on factors like teaching experience, credibility, and services. 

How much does it cost to become a yoga instructor?

The cost of the yoga TTC program varies according to the level of certification. The foundational 200 hour training program costs approximately around $1200 to $2500. If you partake in the advanced level 300 hour or the combined 500 hour yoga TTC program, then the cost will be comparatively higher. 

Becoming a certified yoga instructor opens up ample opportunities for you in regards to your career. Start with consistent practice and then enroll yourself for the certified yoga teaching programs. After graduating successfully, register yourself under the Yoga Alliance and start your professional career as a yoga teacher. So what are you looking for? Step on this journey and allow the yoga practices to guide you to the new paths of purpose and fulfilment.