Butterfly Pose

The Butterfly pose in yoga also known as the ‘Cobbler Pose’ or the ‘Hip Extension Pose’ is a simple yet a versatile and effective pose that helps improve flexibility. Also called ‘Baddha Konasana’, the butterfly position helps reduce tension and promotes a sense of calm.

The butterfly pose looks similar to your routine gymming pose where it’s used as a warm exercise, in cooling down stretches and even as a stand-alone stretch to open up the pelvic region. A suitable pose for every yoga level, the butterfly position can be gainfully incorporated in all kinds of yoga routines.

This blog will talk about how to do butterfly pose, its variations, benefits and other tips. Let’s discuss these in the ensuing sections.

How to Perform a Butterfly Pose in Yoga?

The Butterfly pose can be done at the start or close to the end of your yoga practice. Alternatively, you can even practise this pose as a stand-alone pose. This is especially useful if you have been sitting for longer periods or have indulged in intense workouts.

Before we explain the actual steps, we would first share some tips so that you gain maximum from this butterfly position.

Some pointers for practising the butterfly position:

Now that you have prepped up, let’s move to doing the actual butterfly position.

Steps to perform the Butterfly pose in yoga:

  1. To begin with, be seated in a comfortable position.
  2. Now, slowly bend your knees while pressing the palms or soles of your feet together.
  3. Interlock your fingers towards the pinkie toe side of the feet. Alternatively, you can place your hands on your shins or your ankles.
  4. Try to lengthen your back and work to broaden over your chest.
  5. Now, pull your shoulders down and backwards.
  6. Keep sitting in this posture for about 5 minutes
  7. While releasing the butterfly position, stretch your legs forward and lean back by using your hands.

Butterfly Pose Variations

Butterfly position can be done in various ways. Also, you can do these variations as stand-alone poses or even in a sequential way.

Butterfly Position with Forward Bend

For performing this pose, you will need to stack cushions or blocks for resting your forehead. Also, you can use a pillow to support your torso and be comfortable.

  1. Sit in butterfly position as explained in the above steps
  2. Now, slowly fold forward by hinging at your hips
  3. Reach out through the tips of your fingers while extending your arms at the forefront
  4. Remain in this posture for about 5 minutes.

Butterfly Position in a Reclined position

For prepping up for this variation, place a bolster or a cushion beneath the shoulders or along your spine. Alternatively, you can also employ cushions or blocks to get an inclined prop up.

  1. Sit in butterfly position as explained in the above steps
  2. Now, by employing your hands, slowly lie down on your back
  3. Remain in this position for about 10 minutes.

Butterfly Position with your leg-up-the-wall

This butterfly position helps support your spine and is good for individuals who suffer from lower back pain.

  1. Take your yoga mat close to a wall and be seated in a way that your right side is adjacent to the wall
  2. Now, slowly bend your knees towards your chest.
  3.  Now, open up your legs and place them against the wall. Next, turn and lie down on your back.
  4. Your hips should be placed slightly away or against the wall
  5. Your knees should be bent wide
  6. Your heels should be lowered. Take them as low as they can reach.
  7. The soles of your feet should be pressed together
  8. Remain in this posture for about 10 minutes

Health Benefits of Butterfly Pose

As you can see, the butterfly position is a simple posture to perform. Yet, this posture entails many benefits and is a popular pose in all kinds of yoga styles from Hatha yoga, Vinyasa flow yoga and even the contemporary Yin yoga routine.

Sitting in an upright position helps lengthen your spine. This in turn helps enhance body awareness and posture.

Furthermore, the butterfly posture focusses on your hip, lower back and the thigh muscles. This helps relieve pain while helping to improve range of motion and the flexibility of the pelvic region.

All-in-all, the Butterfly position has a calming and relaxing effect at a physical and mental level. The posture also helps improve upon your energy levels. This pose helps to relieve tension and stiffness of the hip and pelvic region.

Focus on taking deep breaths or perform deep breathing exercises in the butterfly position to beget the stress releasing potential of this yoga pose.

Now, let’s take a look at some scientifically backed benefits of yoga routines that include the Butterfly pose.

Improves Pelvic health

Maintaining pelvic health is important to women. Any discomfort in the pelvic region can cause pain and distress. As per one study, a therapeutic yoga workshop was conducted for women suffering from long-term pelvic pain. The program included bi-weekly yoga classes that included a dozen yoga poses including the Butterfly position. The women participants practised yoga at home per week for about an hour.

At the culmination of six weeks, the women participants felt relief in pelvic pain and its effect in performing daily routine tasks. Furthermore, the alleviation in the pain intensity also helped improve upon their emotional and sexual well-being.

Enhances Inner Awareness

The butterfly position can be employed to bring about inner growth and self-awareness. Also, this pose is beneficial in preparing your body to go into meditation for extended periods. As you learn to hold the butterfly position for prolonged time, you learn to disengage from feelings of restlessness and discomfort that may arise as you remain seated.

Relieves stress

As we all know, most people take to yoga to help them combat stress. Likewise, the butterfly position helps to ease up your hips, inner thighs and your lower back and reduce discomfort. This further helps to make you feel good. The butterfly pose can also relax and calm you down and help you release any pent up stress.

Reduces Depression

Anxiety and depression are now rampant through-out the modern society. Although there are medical based interventions, yoga comes as a holistic and drug free way to combat mental health issues of depression. Practising this posture as part of a yoga based intervention can help enhance mood and reduce depressive thoughts and feelings.

Helps Treat Hormonal Imbalances

Butterfly pose helps treat hormonal imbalances like PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This syndrome emotionally affects mood and causes anxiety and related mental health problems. Butterfly pose as part of a yoga routine helps by boosting feelings of relaxation and building a positive outlook towards life. However, this gynaecological disorder should be first treated medically instead of simply doing yoga as a stand-alone therapy.

Helps with Migraines

The Butterfly position can help improve upon the migraine symptoms by presumably acting upon the Hypothalamus that helps maintain the balance of the nervous system.

Supports Healthy Pregnancy

The butterfly position as part of a pre-natal yoga routine helps release stiffness and tension in your lower back, inner thighs and hips. This in turn improves flexibility and aids in relaxation. Furthermore, your pelvic floor muscles are strengthened and blood circulation in the area is boosted. This further helps in ensuring a smooth delivery process.

Other Benefits of Butterfly Pose

The Butterfly position besides accruing the above benefits also gives the following health benefits:

  1. Helps relieve constipation and improve gut health
  2. May relieve tiredness and boost energy levels
  3. Tones lower body
  4. Enhance reproductive function
  5. Relieve pain in knees and legs
  6. Help lower blood pressure
  7. Helps with urinary incontinence in patients recovering from Prostate Cancer surgery

Risks and Precautions for Doing Butterfly Pose

As with any exercise form, Butterfly pose as part of a yoga routine comes with its own set of risks and precautions which are enlisted below:

  1. Sciatica patients should avoid doing the Butterfly position
  2. Arthritis and knee injury patients should avoid performing the Butterfly pose
  3. Avoid this asana if you feel any kind of pain or discomfort in the body
  4. Pregnant women should perform this asana only after consulting their doctor. Also, such women should discontinue doing the asana if they feel pain in the body.

To become aware of such risks and get proper guidance, you should perform the Butterfly position or for that matter any yoga posture under the supervision of a trained and certified yoga teacher.

Closing Thoughts

The Butterfly pose in yoga, although a simple exercise can do wonders to your body and mind. Besides, this versatile yoga comes with easy variations to target different body parts. Also, the butterfly position offers a wide range of health benefits, is suitable to be performed by almost anyone and is safe to do daily as part of a yoga routine.

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